Tag Archives: nuclear fusion lithium

The nuclear fusion that works really

Four principles about a nuclear fusion that works really.

  1. Application of principle of HYBRID FUSION to nuclear fusion.
  2. The american pubblications of ‘50 years about nuclear fusion of nuclear fusion bombs CASTLE BRAVO, CASTLE YANKEE, IVY MIKE, are sufficient to build a fusion reactor.
  3. In nuclear fusion DEUTERIUM-TRITIUM the neutron takes away all the energy of fusion and there’s not chain reaction .
  4. In the fusion of LITHIUM-DEUTERIUM the energy of fusion stay on plasma and there’s chain reaction.


The principle of hybrid fusion si that when occurs the fission of URANIUM238 or of PLUTONIUM inside the fusion reactor, the energy of fission (200MeV) takes the temperature of plasma around the fission to tens of billions of Kelvin degrees, in the zone around there’s the fusion of LITHIUM6 and LITHIUM7 with DEUTERIUM, as it happens in the american fusion bombs of ‘50 years with deuterium and lithium. The fission catalyzes the fusion like in american bombs where the energy for the fusion was given by a fission bomb in the center of fusion bomb. So there’s a chain reaction because every fusion LITHIUM-DEUTERIUM raises in the point of fusion in plasma the temperature to billions of kelvin degrees that cause other fusions LITHIUM-DEUTERIUM (a chain reaction).
The main reactions :
1) D+T -> He(3,5MeV)+n(14,1MeV)
2) D+D -> T(1MeV)+p(3,02MeV)
3) D+D -> He3(0,82MeV)+n(2,45MeV)
4) D+Li6 -> 2He(22,4MeV)
5) D+Li7 -> n+He+He+15,121MeV

Nuclear fusion

From the graphic you can see the enormous importance of fusion of lithium7 with deuterium (graph line 8 green) after 200 keV of temperature that is after two billions kelvin degrees, I must remember that the fission takes the temperature in the point of fission to tens billions degrees and every fusion LITHIUM-DEUTERIUM takes the temperature to billions of kelvin degrees, therefore the LITHIUM7-DEUTERIUM become the main reaction of fusion in the hybrid fusion reactor.
A nuclear fusion reactor could work with the technology we have today, the american pubblications about how works the nuclear fusion in the bombs of ‘50 years are sufficient to build a nuclear fusion reactor.

In the nuclear fusion reaction DEUTERIUM-TRITIUM the neutron takes away al the energy of fusion and if the energy doesnt remain in plasma it is not possible a chain reaction, the reactor of CERN shutdown, with the reaction of fusion LITHIUM-DEUTERIUM instead every fusion catalyzes many other fusions and there’s chain reaction like in fission reactor. The problem is: is it sufficient to put in PLUTONIUM or URANIUM238 in the reactor when the reactor turn on and the fusion goes on with chain reaction? Or it is necessary to put in atoms of PLUTONIUM or URANIUM238 in the reactor continually to keep the reactor on? (The consumption of plutonium is very very small).

The reactor could be a tokamak with CERN technology, medium temperature of plasma tens millions degrees, plasma of DEUTERIUM and LITIUM6 and LITHIUM7. When the reactor starts and is at 10 millions degrees (few neutrons from reaction D+D), it put in reactor some Plutonium atoms, the atom absorbs a neutron and fissions bringing the temperature in the zone around the fission to 30 billions degrees and lithium and deuterium fusion, every fusion raises the temperature (around the point of fusion) to billions degrees and catalyze more fusions with a chain reaction.

It is well to build a reactor with the first circuit with mercury, to raises the temperature to 1000 degrees, bringing the efficiency of reactor to 66%.

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